Sunday, December 22, 2024


In this video from Dr. Seth Meyers, Los Angeles clinical psychologist:

Dr. Seth Meyers explores the concept of self-esteem, discussing its importance and how individuals can work to improve it. He emphasizes the need for a supportive environment, the significance of setting achievable goals, the impact of self-talk, and the importance of recognizing personal strengths. Through practical advice and insights, Dr. Meyers provides a roadmap for enhancing self-esteem and fostering a positive self-image. Also check out the full episodes of Dr. Seth's podcast INSIGHT with Dr. Seth (on all platforms). Takeaways: -Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves. -Positive self-esteem is crucial for mental health. -Surrounding yourself with positive people is essential. -Setting clear goals can boost self-esteem. -Self-talk influences our self-worth. -Engaging in positive self-talk is beneficial. -Everyone has strengths worth recognizing. -Daily actions towards goals enhance self-esteem. -Compassionate self-talk can change our mindset. -Asking trusted friends about our strengths can help. Topics: self-esteem, mental health, positive self-talk, personal growth, self-worth, goal setting, supportive relationships, self-improvement Healthier Living Today LLC

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