Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Today, take a moment out of your day and thank a friend for something they’ve done for you in the past year. This may sound silly, at first, because you’re probably thinking that you already said thank you once.

The truth about friendship is that we often take some things for granted. Sometimes, a friend can do something for you and yet you don’t realize until later how helpful what they did was. Think back to the past year and ask yourself who helped you out in a given situation, and think about the ways that this provided comfort. Shoot that friend an e-mail and remind him or her that you appreciate the kindness. People already get too much negative feedback in their lives, so offer one more opportunity for someone you care about to get a little positive reinforcement for being the solid friend he or she is.

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