Sunday, March 15, 2020

My New Article for "Psychology Today:" Why Narcissists Hate to Feel Indebted to Anyone

Let's be brutally honest: Narcissism is an extremely confusing personality to understand. If you have a narcissist in your life - a co-worker, partner, friend or family member - understanding what they say and do is kind of like watching a firetruck, sirens blaring, rush past you in a rainstorm. The only sane reaction is to say, "Hold on, what?"

I've written extensively about narcissism in my career because this personality type continues to confuse and upset so many people. The point: The more educated you get about this highly unique personality type, the less frustrated any narcissist can make you feel.

Check out my new article here and my hope is that it makes handling any narcissist in your life a little easier.

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