Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Psychological Analysis: TV's "The Affair" (Showtime)

Showtime's "The Affair" chronicles one of the richest, most layered relationships I've ever seen on television or in film. The most recent episode (Season 3, Episode 5) brought too many oh-wow moments to count. The show focuses on the relationship between Noah and Alison, and we finally see Alison gaining insight and maturing while Noah - older and most successful - still stumbles to find himself.

One point that I found especially interesting is how Alison, having been in a mental health treatment facility, at first appears to be the "crazy one" but is actually wiser in many ways than everyone around her. Alison has always been sexualized and seductive, but as she develops her sense of self, she is able to use her words and thoughts instead of her body to connect with men. True, she slept with both Cole and Noah in a short window of time, but you get the sense that she will learn from these mistakes. Cheers to the actors and writers which make this show such good TV!


Abeera Sultan said...
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Abeera Sultan said...

Nice Love Post ..... Thanks for Sharing