Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Monday, September 14, 2015

PARENTING: 6 Signs You May Be a Narcissistic Parent

My new article for Psychology Today is about narcissistic parents. I give six specific signs of narcissistic parenting. What's interesting is that even in the rare event that a narcissist would be so self-reflective, the narcissists reading the article would never see that they are guilty of any of the behaviors I discuss. That's narcissism for you! I'm sending love and empathy to all the children of narcissistic parents.

Check out the full article here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/insight-is-2020/201509/6-signs-you-may-be-narcissistic-parent.

Feel free to check out my book Overcome Relationship Repetition Syndrome and Find the Love You Deserve here: http://www.amazon.com/Dr-Seths-Love-Prescription-Relationship-ebook/dp/B004DI7FIK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442260852&sr=8-1&keywords=dr.+seth.

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