Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Splat! A Ton of New Talk Shows!

I am officially on vacation this week, but I can't stop myself from blogging about all the new talk shows. Normally, I wouldn't have time to check all of them out, but this week I've had time to DVR them all and see what each of them is about. Steve Harvey looks like he has a definite winner; Anderson Cooper has revamped his show; Ricki Lake is back on the scene talking mostly about women's issues; Katie Couric, the largest smile in America, is in position # 1 as the next Oprah of daytime; and Jeff Probst of "Survivor" fame is throwing his hat in the ring.

Of all the shows, Jeff Probst's show seems to be the most innovative so far, encouraging people to take chances and live a life that is full of excitment and meaning. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that his show will be a success. Check it out if you're looking for something different, aka something that isn't as celebrity-focused as so many of the other talkfests.

I enjoy a good celebrity as much as the next person, but come on, there has to be a limit to how much we want to hear another Heidi Klum talk about her tabloid-laden life! I watched fifteen minutes of Katie interviewing Heidi Klum, and then realized I could be doing better things with my time. Sorry, Heidi. And, by the way, you should probably take a little more time after your breakup from Seal to get involved more seriously with your bodyguard. Just sayin'.

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