Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Read This Book (Maybe): The Amateur

Here's the truth: I'm fascinated by Barack Obama. Psychologically, he strikes me as as the epitome of enigmatic, but Edward Klein's new book, The Amateur, helps us to understand the President a little better. No, it doesn't seem evenly remotely objective, as the author seems to surmise in the first chapter that Obama is an egomaniac without even taking a few chapters to construct that argument.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that this is the author who wrote The Truth About Hillary, so we can't expect the author to be supremely balanced in his conceptualization of his subject. That said, there are parts of this book (sent from the publisher, thanks) that I found extremely interesting.

If you're at all curious about what makes this unique president tick, read this book with an open mind but don't take any of its arguments at face value.

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