Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Read This Book: Women, Food and God

A lot of books are bestsellers, but only a handful of those deserve that categorization. Geneen Roth’s book, Women, Food, and God (Scribner, 2011) deserves every ounce of the acclaim and consumer response it has garnered.

An elegant little book, Women Food and God encourages readers to think about the food they eat and to become more aware about how the relationship they have with food actually seeps into their relationship with their self-esteem, mental health, and even the world at large. She writes:

"I do believe there are frozen places in ourselves - undigested pockets of pain - that need to be recognized and welcomed, so that we can contact that which has never been hurt or wounded or hungry." (p. 8)

Oh, could that be written any better?! Written in a way that is accessible to all readers, you find yourself turning page after page, hungering not for food, but for more wisdom from the author.

As a side note, I have to mention that Ms. Roth thanks writer Anne Lamott in the “Acknowledgments” section, thanking her for helping her to give the book shape. Well, Ann Lamott is a genius in her own right, and Women, Food and God benefits from her thoughtful, loving touch.

You may have heard about this book in the media already, or it may be completely new to you. If you are looking for a book that encourages greater awareness in everyday life – even if you’re a man, don’t have food issues, or whatever the case may be – grab a copy of this book today. You will be richer for it in the end!

PLUS: In Dr. Seth's new book, Dr. Seth's Love Prescription: Find the Love You Deserve (available at Amazon.com or in stores at Borders and Barnes and Noble), he shows you how to stop repeating bad patterns in your romantic relationships. If you or someone you know keeps going for the wrong types of people and seems stuck on this awful hamster wheel, pick up a copy of Dr. Seth's Love Prescription today.

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