Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Monday, August 17, 2009

Your End of Summer Party: Co-Sponsored Entertainment

This past weekend I had a big summer BBQ at my house, having invited many friends and co-workers to hang out and eat bad-for-you but good-tasting food in my backyard. I am a strong advocate of rituals and celebrations, and believe that hosting events on a regular basis is good for your mental health. I have always said that the most intimate way to spend time with your friends is to have them over to your home.

After this past party I threw (perhaps my first Annual Summer BBQ, if I follow all of my own advice?), I asked myself why I hadn't considered throwing a party jointly with a friend or two. The reasons for co-sponsored entertainment are not exclusively selfish. True, I would like to reduce the amount of time and energy that is spent in preparation and clean-up for the party. Yet there are additional benefits you might not have considered.

If you co-sponsor a party with friends, your friends are more likely to meet and actually talk with your fellow hosts' friends. In this way, you extend your social circle. Research cannot say enough good things about the value of social support when it comes to your physical and mental health, so extending your social circle can be truly beneficial.

As the summer soon comes to a close, consider marking its ending with a co-sponsored party. If the time isn't quite right, perhaps have one a little later to kick off the fall. Regardless of the occasion, consider co-sponsoring your next social event!

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