Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Seth Meyers, Clinical Psychologist

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tips for Parents: Raising an Infant

In my work for the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, I specialize in a particular type of relationship - the one between a parent and a child. Specifically, the children my work focuses on are on infants and toddlers.

I see many parents struggle as they try to do the best job with their children, and yet it is difficult because parenting is one of the world's most challenging jobs. For parents of infants, there are many resources available to help make the challenge a little easier.

Last week, I attended a conference on the psychological assessment of infants, the goal of which is to ensure healthy development for the infant. I want to tell you about a wonderful resource online that we discussed at the conference. The good news is that you can use this site to cultivate your parenting skills: www.zerotothree.org.

Check out this website and you can find all kinds of resources that relate to infant development. Specifically, look for information on developmental milestones - you can actually investigate on your own whether your child is meeting the developmental milestones that have been established for various stages of infancy.

This is not the only online resource, in fact, for parenting tips on raising infants. If you have a computer at home, spend some time doing searches for websites that focus on raising this particular aged child. You will be astonished at the wealth of information at your fingertips!

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